domenica 11 aprile 2021

April 12th, New Moon in Aries: Fight for Yourself

Tonight the Moon becomes new under the sign of Aries.

Being a new moon with the influences of the first sign of the zodiac, it will emanate strong renewal energies, thanks also to the stellium formed by the Sun, Venus, Mercury and Chiron in the same sign.

In the next few days we will have the important opportunity to set our intentions, not only for the next full moon, but for the whole year ahead; So make a local mind on the grandiose projects you have been contemplating for a while and take the opportunity to manifest.

This astrological moment of the year is great for deciding what is really best for us and making an effort to get it, the results will not be long in coming.

At the same time, you may realize during this time that some things that you thought you wanted with all of yourself were actually not the best for you. Before starting to manifest something new it’s very important to understand what to let go of. Many things change over the course of a year, life can take unexpected turns and what we once considered vital for our evolution may turn out to be superfluous; meditate on the changes you have undertaken in the last period: on what should I shift my energies? what should I leave behind?

The universe has a well-defined plan for each of us, often what we want is not what we need, which is why it is so hard to get. It is time to reconsider our needs, release what is unnecessary and go on our way, always remember that what is to be yours will always find its way to you.

The fiery energies of this lunation instill courage in us and push us to take the actions that are necessary to improve our lives. Embrace change rather than resist, you will soon realize that everything that is happening to you is for a higher purpose.

Aries is precisely the first sign of the zodiac, in numerology 1 is the expression of the Ego, for this reason it is necessary to focus strongly on oneself, recover, understand who we really are and where we want to go. Ask yourself: If I could decide independently of any other thing or person, what would I do with my life? In the answer to this question lies your true self, your complete person which, once reached, will allow you to interact with others in complete freedom, without conditions.

Another very important aspect of this lunation is the square that forms with Pluto in Capricorn which will put the spotlight on the abuses and manipulations we are undergoing, unmasking them completely. In this way we can see what is blocking us on our path towards evolution and fight it with courage and determination. Let's not forget that Chiron, the great healer, is also involved in this stellium, which induces us to take responsibility for being happy, healing our wounds through the actions we perform, making us reconnect to our inner child who will be able to show us what we need and what we must give up instead.

The deity that best represents this lunation is the Hindu Goddess Durgā. She is one of the emanations of the Divine Mother, she is a warrior deity, created to fight the demon Mahishasura, who could not be defeated by any man or celestial being. Durgā fights the inner demons that prevent us from progressing on our spiritual path, through her energy we can transform our ego.


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