On November 4th the Moon becomes new at 12º under the sign of Scorpio.
The Scorpio energies of this transit are very powerful because, in addition to the Sun and the Moon, Mars (ruler of Scorpio together with Pluto) is also in the same sign.
On November 5th, Mercury will also pass from Libra to Scorpio, moreover this new Moon is perfectly opposite to Uranus in Taurus, this latter aspect in particular will act as a catalyst for some unexpected event, a sudden change of plans, some truths could come to the surface in an explosive way by upsetting your plans; be aware that all this will happen for a good purpose, even if the intense emotionality of this period will still dominate.
Scorpio tempts us to work honestly on ourselves, we have recently passed that time of year where we reflect on our roots and honor our ancestors, now is the time to understand where we place ourselves comparing to these roots, if there’s something rotten to be cut off and what possibly keeps us anchored to the old systems and beliefs.
I invite you to be very careful: don't fall back into the old patterns just because they represent your comfort zone.
The energies circulating in this period invite us to close a cycle. The eighth house, the thirteenth tarot card, the archetype of the phoenix; all symbologies related to this particular period of the year in which we reflect on death and then face a new birth, we are going through an initiatory path in which we sink into the bowels of the earth until we reach the bottom and then, finally, see the light again.
Take a look in the mirror and be honest with yourself: what is it that you really want to become? Pay particular attention to the dark side of yourself, analyze it and accept it. Awareness of our shadow is the first step for evolution.
The watchword of this Moon is: Metamorphosis.
So let's ask ourselves what kind of transformation we need to go through to become a better version of ourselves?
If you find yourself in a moment of stagnation in which you do not know which direction to take, ask the universe for the necessary energies to catalyze change and prepare to let go of those dense emotions that have anchored in the darkest corner of your psyche and that you they still hold on to your past and less evolved version.
Happy New Moon, Happy Rebirth!
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