mercoledì 26 maggio 2021

May 26th, Full Moon in Sagittarius: The Leap of Faith


Today the Moon becomes full under the sign of Sagittarius. We will have a moon of particular power as it will be a super moon with the presence of an eclipse, also called the Blood Moon (visible in the southern part of the American continent).

This energy finally puts us on the right path, everything that has happened to us so far was just a preparation, we are ready to see clearly what we are destined for and to elevate ourselves to continue with our divine purpose.

With equal clarity we will be able to see what is necessary for us to let go, that is: everything that for us were absolute truths and that we are finally questioning, all those constructs and beliefs that kept us anchored to the past and that now we understand that they’re no longer valid for the new era that awaits us, for the new “ourselves”.

Many of us will therefore need to have new experiences to fully understand where we are headed or what we want, sometimes even avoiding the reality we have blindly believed up to now.

You have certainly noticed that many people, in recent times, are attracted by the use of psychedelics or other substances that alter our perceptions, it is certainly a hot topic in this last period (we talk about it here) and it is certainly not a coincidence, since psychotropic substances are able to make us reach completely new states of existence, doing this we can understand new paths and new levels of our consciousness.

The intensity of this lunation can leave us stunned and overwhelmed, also because an event such as an eclipse releases all the emotions that we normally hold back, everything seems much more alive or much more muffled, the energy is in total expansion, consequently we will be much more aware of certain mechanisms and certain actions that we now perform automatically but which are no longer part of us and of our evolving mind.

We are now able to highlight the recurring toxic behaviors and patterns of our life, once identified, all we have to do is eliminate or change them, making room for something else.

The universe always subjects us to the same karmic test until we learn the lesson, the universe naturally pushes us to evolution; if you have started or want to start a shadow work this is the perfect time to investigate the matter.

The dominant theme of Sagittarius is wisdom and the journey of the soul: breathe deeply and try to see things from a broader point of view, divert the obsessive attention from the details, do not focus on the how and when but on the WHAT and leave things happen, you will immediately notice that, as soon as you release the resistance, things will naturally fall into place.


Per leggere questo articolo in Italiano clicca qui.

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