Today the moon becomes full under the ethereal sign of Pisces.
We can define it as a sort of astrological lunar "New Year", as Pisces are in fact the last sign of the zodiac wheel, this marks the end of a cycle and the beginning of something new.
This moon will take us on a journey into the depths of our consciousness, at this moment we are all facing a spiritual awakening and this moon will be an inspiration to progress on our journey.
The opposition between the sun in Virgo and the moon to the other vertex of the axis, in Pisces, places us in balance on a ridge: our rational part with the unconscious, the real with the irrational, the above with the below.
Let yourself be lulled by this balance and let what you desire manifest; your intuition is amplified these days, use it to welcome deep healing.

At the same time our empathy will also be amplified, make sure you protect yourself from energies you do not wish to assimilate.
This Moon is conjunct with Neptune, always in the sign of Pisces, in fact its domicile, and it's in trine with Venus in the sign of Cancer. There is a great resonance with the Water element, emotions are the masters in this sky that forces us to bring out our traumas and our feelings, forcing us to face them once and for all, to heal the old wounds, but fear not! We will have the full capacity to face all this with courage.
The deity that best represents this lunation is the Assyrian-Babylonian god Sin-Nanna, god of the moon and lord of wisdom.
It was considered "the meter of time" as the Babylonian calendar was based on the motions of the moon.
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