On Monday August the 3rd the Moon becomes full under the sign of Aquarius.
This lunation takes place in square with Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, therefore it is very likely that strong energies of change will start, something revolutionary and unexpected is about to arrive.
All this will force us to appeal to our spirit of adaptability, testing our level of flexibility so that we can welcome change in a positive way, without suffering too much damage.

The change has actually been in the air for quite some time, the whole world is going through a strong period of revolution.
The question we must ask ourselves for this lunar cycle is: Is there anything superfluous that I can give up for the common good? What can I change about myself, aiming for a higher purpose?
Remember that no drastic transformations are needed, even the smallest mutation, if well thought out, can affect the people around you.
The full Moon in Aquarius pushes us to look towards the future, it is time to make risky decisions that will allow us to evolve. Look at the position of the Moon in your birth chart to understand the area in which you are most likely to operate in this direction.
The divinity that best represents this lunation is Vertumno, a Roman divinity of Etruscan origin. Vertumno represented the personification of the changing seasons that allowed the fruits to ripen, he had the gift of transforming himself into all the forms he desired.
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