This Sunday we will have a New Moon under the sign of Cancer.
There are several energies at stake in this period: in addition to the new moon we will have the Summer Solstice, which this year takes place on the 20th, also we will have an annular eclipse of the Sun on the 21st, that will be visible mainly in central Africa, India and China, but whose power will be felt in every corner of the globe.
Let's not forget that we also have 5 planets that are currently in retrograde motion: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto and from the 18/06 also Mercury, in Cancer, joined the group, until Sunday 12/07 when it will return direct. On 23/06 also Neptune will join the retrograde motion.
The most important words of this lunation are therefore: Reflection and Metamorphosis.
With all this planetary turmoil a deep transformation is inevitable, we are seeing it both in ourselves and as well in everything that is happening in the world.
This is not the time to make hasty decisions: we need to wait, to observe, calmly, with the aim of clearly seeing our situation, activating our transformation and the re-evaluation. This doesn’t mean that we will have to upset our entire existence, it will be enough to apply small changes to make everything work again.
This lunation will inaugurate a new cycle, under the banner of the
element of Water. The Moon, being in her home in Cancer, will lead us to deal with our deepest and most intimate emotions. The small changes, of which we spoke a few lines above, can also be applied to our universe of feelings, unlocking stagnant situations, freeing ourselves from excessive attachments and focusing on our inner growth, learning to detach ourselves from our emotional addictions.

Our perceptions will also be amplified by the Trine formed between the Moon and Neptune, we will be more understanding towards the feelings and problems of those around us and our level of empathy will increase. It’s also an excellent transit for those who must perform magical works that involve the third eye.
The deity that best represents this lunation is the Celtic Goddess Brighid. Goddess of prophecy and divination, She brings the sacred flame to humanity when times get dark, allowing us to continue on our initiatory path, giving us inspiration. Associated with the element of water, Brighid can be invoked during healing rituals.
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