Our generation, born in luxury, has never had to worry about wars, famines, plagues; at best we are concerned about cyberbullying.
As we already anticipated in January, 2020 will be a tough year, which will test our society: the Saturn / Pluto conjunction in Capricorn will denude us, highlighting our fragility, both personally and institutionally . We are already seeing its effects: entire nations under martial law, against an invisible threat.
We are barricaded in our homes, slaves of a chaotic enemy, with the fear that something may happen to us or, especially, to our loved ones. This virus is making us aware that we are not exempt from death and suffering, even in this part of the world. We are part of a larger reality, where other human beings and other creatures suffer every day.
Technology helps us, but it does not make us exempt from the laws of Nature. A Nature that we fail to respect, that we try to subjugate for our vile personal gain. And now, after ignoring the signs of a suffering planet, we face the consequences. Because Nature is a strict and impartial mother, and there is no more democratic judge than an illness - which indiscriminately affects different ethnic groups, the poor, the rich, the young, the old. And we are not untouchable gods, as we often think we are.
This is the lesson that Saturn and Pluto want to teach us: coronavirus, like global warming, are caused by our greed and our materialism. These are consequences of a selfish and unethical lifestyle that has created an imbalance in the universe.
But don't worry, nothing is eternal. Not even the pandemic.
We can have a little taste in these months: Saturn enters the house of the Aquarius until July 2020, and then re-enters Capricorn retrograde until the end of the year.
What can we expect from the meeting of these two aspects?
Saturn, as we have already seen, regulates our perception of society while Aquarius, a sign governed by this celestial body, regulates the sense of community and sense of innovation. Already at this moment, in fact, the futuristic Water Bearer is defining our social interactions: in the quarantine, we find ourselves talking with the people we love only through technology; an exceptional event given the social nature of the human being. A necessary measure, which will probably last weeks if not months, when we can finally go out to breathe the fresh air and hug our loved ones.
We will experience then a small preview of 2021, when Saturn will officially enter the eleventh house, one of its beloved domiciles, to stay there for the next three years - defined by social justice, progress and innovations.
It is impossible to predict with certainty that repercussions will occur in the coming years, but we can take a look at the previous transits in Aquarius:
- 1962-1964: In this three-year period, humanity saw for the first time a worldwide broadcast on TV (the invention that defined the post-war generation, until the next great invention) and the birth of the first industrial robot, these years were also decisive for the civil rights movement, culminating in the fateful words "I Have a Dream" by Martin Luther King.
- 1991-1994: We see another great invention born, which defined the next generation: we are talking about the World Wide Web or the internet, born in 1991. In the same year there was the fall of the last provinces of the Soviet Union; with the collapse of communism in Europe the free market was born in 1993 thanks to the Maastricht Treaty, defining the EU as we know it today.
So what can we hope for during this new, illuminating transit? The landing on Mars? A cure for cancer?
We hope for a fairer society, where the materialists finally realise that they are living in a community; a community that extends to all creatures on the planet, not just those of the same species. We dream of a conscious humanity, respectful of the planet and in contact with themselves and their own spirituality. We want equal rights for all and harmony.
Maybe it's just a utopia but, if we look carefully in this climate of uncertainty, the first signs have been seen already: the Italian people have joined together to sing from the balconies during the quarantine, the Chinese citizens for the first time have been able to hear the melodious song of birds without noise pollution whilst people across Europe applaud the health workers every evening as gesture of gratitude. The waters of Venice have returned crystal clear, as are the ports in the Mediterranean - which have seen some playful dolphins appearing there; Nature is taking back its spaces, reminding us we are only guests on this Earth, just as we remembered the importance of our loved ones by our side, often taken for granted.
The future is not only written in the stars but it is also in our power.
If we want a better future, we need to embrace this change and sow the seed to grow a better, more humane society.
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