Today the Moon becomes new under the sign of Pisces.
The sign of Pisces has an energy that works very deeply on the unconscious and amplifies everything related to the dream world, therefore it won’t be strange if in these days you will pass from one dream to another (or from one nightmare to another ), moreover the images in our mind will be extremely vivid. Take the opportunity to write down what you’ll dream of in the next 3 days and analyze it, you will probably find very interesting symbols.
At the same time, in these days we must be careful not to dream too much while we are awake, the risk of falling into illusions is very high; therefore we need to protect ourselves by analyzing what our true nature is and entrusting ourselves to it, without seeking refuge in what does not really belong to us.
It is an excellent time for introspection and self analysis, sinking into oneself, trying to understand who we really are and what we can do to be more comfortable with our selves. The presence of a stellium in Pisces, with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune, favors all magical works with the Water element and, consequently, everything related to the emotional field and that of intuition. Experiment with your third eye, you will discover new connections with the Divine.

Let's make room for new projects and set new intentions for the next month, even if with due calm and caution: don’t forget that Mercury is in retrograde motion, it's not the right time to accomplish things, but let's take this time to plan them and imagine them, so that, when the time has come, we will be ready to manifest them.
The sign of Pisces is extremely sentimental, we need to use its influence to fill our soul with positive emotions, light-heartedness and creativity.
The divinity that best represents this lunation is Anahita, the Persian divinity of water, fertility and protectress of women.
She embodies the physical qualities of water, that is, the ability to make the soil fertile and to give seeds. Healing Mother Goddess but also warrior and protector of her people, she can be compared to the Babylonian Ishtar.
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