On September 14th, at 6:33 am, the Moon becomes full under the sign of Pisces.
This Moon, in conjunction with Lilith and Neptune (in her domicile) in the fourth house, the house of relationships with the family, of the home as a refuge and emotions, will be a very romantic Moon and will invite us to express our love for our significant other.
However, the Sun in Virgo, together with Mercury, Venus and Mars, will influence the romantic energies of this moon, increasing our judgment and finally shedding light on all that is wrong with our "domestic hearth" and our relationships.
This lunation will be the last one before the Equinox and it is in fact called "Harvest Moon", so we will be given the opportunity to collect what we have sown this year in all the previous Sabbaths and Esbats, allowing us to draw the first sums about the year that is approaching its last few months.
Since Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, it will give us the possibility to bring to conclusion and to clean ourselves from the things that we do not want to bring with us into next year, we need to analyze what we do not need anymore and we have to learn to let it go, even if it can be painful.
Don’t forget that the sign of Pisces can trigger our deepest emotions, these days it will be necessary to control ourselves, appealing to our most reasonable side.
The sign of Pisces is represented by two fishes that swim in opposite directions, as above so below, the yin and the yang; it means that in this period it will be necessary to take root with reality, to connect our "below", our roots, our practical sense, with our "above", the unconscious, our spiritual side, our “thin body”.
The Sun in Virgo has invited us to take care of our healthy habits, to improve our body, this full moon represents the moment in which our efforts are repaid.
We need to continue to take care of ourselves without neglecting our spiritual side; meditate and reflect: how many things did I get this year? what am I grateful for?
The deity that best represents this lunation is Yemaja, the Mother Goddess of the Orisha according to Yoruba mythology. She is the patroness of the waters, we invoke her when protection is needed. Like many deities with a maternal and protective aspect, she also has a destructive aspect which is represented by the stormy sea, which destroys the superfluous, purifying.
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