These days we often talk about the influence that has the frenzy of this modern world on our life.
We have become accustomed to rapid and technological rhythms, rhythms that often prevent us from dedicating ourselves to what is good for our body and soul, in order to give space to activities that have reached a higher level of priority.
We are always in a hurry, we always seem to have no time to waste and consequently we do not stop a moment, we spend most of our time indoors, in rooms lit by fluorescent lights, we eat badly and quickly, without paying attention to what we introduce in our body, considering whether it can be good or bad for us, the idea of stopping and meditating or simply relaxing for a few minutes seems a waste of time, time that we could use to work, make money and engage in routine activities.
Now even the traditional holidays, which should represent a moment of pause and relaxation, have become almost a nuisance, I noticed this particularly in recent years during the Christmas period: a lot of people who, instead of taking advantage of the days of vacation, pour themselves in shopping centers, stressing in search of gifts for their loved ones; just because making a gift has nowadays passed from being a pleasure to being a duty, something you are forced to do reluctantly, which is then reduced to strenuous research of the less expensive and less personal object, so as not to make mistakes.
All this frenzy has made us completely lose the contact between ourselves and the environment that surrounds us, and drastically reducing, if not canceling out, our relationship with nature and its cyclicity.
It is clear that living in this era, fascinating and terrible at the same time, it is practically impossible not to be subjected to its rhythms and therefore we too, like everyone, must adapt.
In ancient times things were very different: every moment of the human life was marked by a natural cycle, the human being was forced to synchronize with the events of the environment in which he lived.
We used to wake up at dawn with the sunrise, we worked in the hottest hours and, when darkness fell, we gathered around the fire to get ready to face the night.
The alternation of the seasons marked the different activities agriculture related: it was sown in the spring, the abundant summer harvest was celebrated, which needed to be preserved in autumn, preparing for the harsh winter season.
From the most ancient times, in all traditions and in all parts of the world, man used the moon's revolution motion and the position of the stars as a tool to measure the passage of time, thus determining equinoxes and solstices and making that these astronomical events became the cardinal points of the year, establishing real holidays to be honored.
With the passing of the centuries, however, the new monotheistic religions expanded and prevailed on paganism; one of the most effective tools for converting pagans to the new religion was, in fact, a new calendar. Finding themselves honoring holidays that had nothing to do with the natural cycles, people began to lose that deep connection with Mother Earth, moving away from what was their true nature.
With the advent of modernity, the invention of electric light and the consequent light pollution also radically changed our schedules, our daily habits and our circadian rhythm, we are no longer linked to the night / day cycle and to seasons to regulate our activities, which is certainly positive in some ways, but our body and our spirituality often suffer.
I think I do not stray far from reality if I describe the daily routine of most of us with:
- Sleep little and poorly,
- Get up abruptly with and alarm clock,
- Take caffeine and sugars to help our body awaken.
- Work / Study in an indoor area, illuminated by artificial lights.
All these habits, which nowadays are considered normal, are actually quite harmful for our health.
Our body reacts to the natural light of the sun by activating a whole series of endocrine mechanisms: for example the cycle of the secretion of melatonin, one of the hormones that determines our sleep / wake rhythm, or the serotonin one, a very important hormone that determines the proper functioning of intestines, bones, prevents migraines, but above all affects mood, sleep and our libido.
As a result, the lack of stimulation on our brain by sunlight, causes in humans serious disorders such as insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression and metabolic disorders. According to some studies, in fact, those who work at night are more prone to diseases of the nervous system or the cardio-circulatory system.
One of the problems that I often hear complaining about in the pagan / spiritual environment is mental fatigue or lack of connection that prevents us from practicing constantly and maintaining the right concentration during rituals. It is a very widespread problem and I believe that it is largely due to the quality of our daily life.

✦ Find your time. We are often convinced that we do not have a second available for ourselves, but the truth is that we are lazy; start to spend 10 minutes a day in which you will only think about relaxing. You do not need big things, just close your eyes, listen to nice music and focus on your breathing.
✦ Spend more time outdoors. When you have the opportunity to take a break, go out for a few minutes and let the sun's beams light up and recharge you with positive energy.
✦ Eat proper food. Increase the amount of fruit and vegetables in your diet and decrease or cut the intake of refined sugars and all those foods that have low vibrations, such as meat and processed foods. Spend a few minutes more on your food, cook your meals as much as possible. What we ingest can nourish us or poison us, the choice depends on us only.
✦ Wake up early. Probably many of us is already doing this during the week, but waking up early, even on your day off, helps us not to lose synchronization and leaves us more time available to devote to ourselves.
✦ Stay as much as possible in the green. Gardens, woods, mountains, lakes; going to these places every time we have the opportunity allows us to reunite with the earth element, unload the stress and to get in tune with the vibrations of nature.
✦ Practicing Yoga. Yoga is not just gymnastics or stretching, it is not about positioning the body in a certain way, but about perceiving the sensations that the body receives in that position, without being distracted and focusing on the "here and now". It takes only half an hour a day to see excellent results in a short time.
✦ Detox from technology. Now telephones and television have become an main part of our lives, but trying to use them less or just for the essential will make us find time to devote to the other activities mentioned above. In addition, the light of the blue screens disturbs our endocrine system, detach from the smartphone at least half an hour before sleep, it will allow your body to rest better.

✦ Observe the Moon. Whenever you can observe the moon in the sky, feel its energy and try to be always aware of the phase in which it is located. An excellent idea is to take note of the effects it has on us, our emotions and our mood based on the time of the month. Practice small rituals with the full moon and the new moon.
✦ Purify. Cleaning up the house from "dirty" energies that come from the outside world is always a good norm, in this way our senses will not be distracted and our home will be more comfortable. Light incense whenever you feel the need, listen to mantras, change the air by opening the windows every time you feel the atmosphere getting “heavy”.
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