Today, December 22nd, the Moon becomes full under the sign of Cancer.
The last full moon of this year falls under the most emotional of water signs, which is also its domicile.
It is very likely that we will be involved by a wave of emotionality, pay attention!

It must also be said, however, that the moon in Cancer brings us luck in the field of professional success; if you have any new work projects scheduled or you intend to grow professionally this lunation will help you!
Considering the coincidence with the Winter Solstice, now is the right time to sum up what has happened in the last year and, based on this, set new goals to be achieved, thus preparing for the arrival of the new year .
It is also the ideal moment to let go: if you have grudges, feelings that hold you anchored in the past, work with meditation to release them completely from yourself, so you can start a new cycle without being affected.
The deity that best represents this lunation is the Mesopotamian Goddess Ninhursag, Goddess mother of all living creatures, Mother Goddess par excellence, She represents the fertility of the earth.
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