sabato 3 marzo 2018

Black Magic and the Fear of Being Witches

magia nera streghe strefoneria

In the modern age, the numerous New Age doctrines are increasingly widespread, especially in the esoteric world, thus ending up contaminating even ancient knowledge such as the practice of Paganism or Traditional Witchcraft.

The same “Rule of Three", introduced by Gardner with Wicca, according to which positive and negative energies will be sent back to you multiplied by three, is a very recent concept if compared with the ancient origin of the various pagan cults.
It is born as a warning, simply to establish a "modern" magical ethic, probably a concept invented by Gardner himself, which summarized becomes something like "Behave well and nothing bad will happen to you"; a concept, however, we find no trace of it in any kind of ancient traditional witchcraft practice.
black magic witches witchcraftThis concept, surely born with all good intentions, has also become a way to limit the power of a witch, thus making her passively accept a "superior" law which you can not rebel to; in fact this kind of idea suits better an abrahamitic religion than Paganism.
Indeed even some Wiccans do not adhere to this law, although it represents one of the pillars of Wicca religion itself, but they prefer to take into account a possible backfire when their spells go against the will of the concerned person.

It is also true, however, that for many pagans this idea of ​​this karmic law has generated real psychoses, so much so that every topic outside the theme "light and love" is considered taboo by them. 
was myself turned away by groups of witches, just because I was interested in occultism and spiritualism, being therefore labeled as a negative individual.
I believe that all of this is partly connected to the lack of experience of the witch herself, and partly to the heritage of the Christian religion which unfortunately, for anyone born in a similar environment, is difficult to completely erase. (First of all, the concept of guilt).

I am not here to tell you that you must improperly send curses to the right and left. It may well be, I sincerely hope for you, that in your lifetime you never need to resort to certain rituals; but, at the same time, the will to practice only and exclusively the so-called "white" witchcraft, the desire not to harm any soul in any situation, repudiating all that branches of ancestral and powerful witchcraft using the low energies, makes us defenseless and prevents our spiritual evolution precluding a whole series of experiences (among all, the possibility of working with entities like demons, considered negative by Christianity, but they  are none other than ancient deities).

All this, for what then? To have people's approval? To show Catholics that we are not bad people, we are just a little weird?
For years in the newspapers and on TV we read and listened to high-flown interviews entitled like "The Witches are back!", In which questions are asked to some neo-pagan priestess, often with the intent to scoff, as in a freak show.
The question we always find in these interview is: "Do you also practice black magic?" and most of the time the answer is: "Absolutely not, witches are good!".

black magic witches witchcraft

All this happens objectively to ingratiate an audience, reassuring them that the practice of witchcraft is neither dangerous nor bad, that witches are not part of a dark cult, that we are not criminals, that they should not fear for their children and any other lies has been instilled in their minds by modern Abrahamic cults.
What have we achieved with this attitude? A big Nothing.

We do not have the same rights as the other "official" cults, pagan marriages are seen as fantasy festivals, people consider our rituals nothing but a farce, to practice the sabbaths you must always find hidden places so you won’t be discovered, as if you were doing something illegal (and regarding my experience, not even that is useful, but I will address the topic in another article) and, even today, wearing a pentacle around your neck gives us many glances of disapproval and impertinent questions.

black magic witches witchcraftThanks to widespread ignorance, most of the people outside the pagan cults still consider witches to be a little crazy, participating in strange rituals during the full moon and who may even be part of some cult of acid satanism that kills people. 
The truth is that most of the “outsiders” do not even want to learn something, they do not want to know anything about paganism, because it's much easier for them to point the finger to others and not ask uncomfortable questions, which would then require answers they will not like, answers that require a considerable mental effort to be given.

Witches have not returned, witches have never left.
A witch does not necessarily need to please others, she must not be accommodating, and, above all, she must not diminish her very nature as an intermediary between the world and the Gods, denying her dark side. Several deities have their own darkside, why should we be less?
We are all sentient beings, with a precise moral, we are perfectly able to distinguish what is good from what is bad in a natural way, without needing a book that tells us what to do and what not to do.

Obviously I do not speak of those who do not face certain themes, perhaps for fear, maybe because they do not feel ready because of lack of experience or because they are simply not interested; there are people who have explored the universe just enough to feel satisfied and do not feel they need to go further.
Instead, I speak for those who decide, as if there were a divine superior law, that “you can’t do” certain things, maybe just because they read it on some internet page, or because they heard it from someone, without asking themselves about what they think about it.

black magic witches witchcraft

In my opinion a witch can fundamentally do whatever she wants; she can decide to dedicate herself only to good things for others, in the same way she can decide to show her fangs and claws that nature has given her to defend herself, as she can even decide to explore the darkest areas of the universe. The only limit is given by our mind and common sense.

The situations we face in life are different for each of us: it’s right to condemn the use of black magic and curses for futile reasons, but what if the reasons were pretty serious? What if the person in question had suffered a similar attack, a grieve wrong and wanted to bring the balance arm in equilibrium? No one can judge our choices, if not ourselves, no one can tell us what is right to do.
So why creating limits to a subject that is unlimited by nature?

black magic witches witchcraftMy impression is that many of those which today profess themselves as witches do not have the courage to be like that in its entirety, so they embrace only the most "normal" aspects of witchcraft, socially accepted behaviors obviously, because they lack the courage to act according to instinct, that natural feeling existing in each one of us, that makes us wild and that makes us to dare.

To be a witch you must reason outside the flock, the witch thinks like a wolf. The witch is at the same time a protective mother and a ferocious beast, she is tied to her wolfpack but at the same time she does not fear solitude, nor the judgment of others.

The primordial archetype of the witch doesn’t represent an integrated element of society, on the contrary, we speak of a person who lives on the edge of civilization, who hunts her own food and makes her own clothes with what nature reserves her, a wild nature that she knows better than herself, who grants her to know its secrets and to speak with its own spirits.
She was often a dreaded person, but she was also admired by the people who consulted her, because she was the only one who knew how to cure diseases, how to use herbs, how to make an abortion or make the person you loved to fall in love with you!

black magic witches witchcraftSince the traditions and the witchcraft practices adapt and evolve according to the time and the environment they find, it is obvious that now it becomes almost impossible for us to think of living in the same way as a witch of the medieval age or, even earlier, of the pre-Christian era. Nowadays very few people can think of living on the margins of society, without the comforts that the modern era offers us, without the company of whom we can rely in case of need.

It is important, however, not to lose the idea of that archetype, that primordial witch who is not afraid to go into a forest at night, because she is aware of being the scariest being she will ever meet in there.

Do not distort your true essence of witch, do not let your head being filled from the limits and ideas of others, use your own and experiment everything, do not take anything for granted, follow your instincts, reason with your stomach and never moderate your search for information and your thirst for knowledge.


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