mercoledì 20 settembre 2017

20th September, New Moon in Virgo

new moon virgo

Today, September 20th, the moon becomes new under the sign of Virgo.

This new moon prepares us for the autumn equinox, where light and shadow coexist and are well-balanced.
It's time to make small changes in our lives, which will appear to us less important, but they will leave a great mark in the near future.
The sign of Virgo is related with learning and studying, so this is a good time to pay attention to everything around us and to start new activities related to knowledge and wisdom.

It’s indispensable, at this time, to get rid of any negativity, so that what we sow to Mabon can germinate without problems in spring.

estia vesta goddess

The Goddess representing this lunacy is Estia (The equivalent of Vesta in the Roman pantheon). She is the Hearth Goddess, her fire pit is usually located in the center of the house or the temple, representing the living fire that heats, purifies and consecrates every space in which she is placed.


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