venerdì 22 luglio 2022

Menstrual Cycle and Moon Phases: Ancient Knowledge of the Sacred Feminine.

 *Per leggere questo articolo in Italiano clicca qui.*

We are about to leave a phase of the year dedicated to the Moon, the Albedo, the Sacred Feminine, the Matriarchy and with it that is what most distinguishes it: the uterus and the alchemical cauldron of creation which is the female womb.

In this chaotic mayhem that was the beginning of this just past Cancer Season (Roe Vs Wade an example above all), it seems the ideal time to talk about topics still now considered taboo by Western civilization after millennia of Abrahamic hegemony; we speak precisely of the menstrual cycle.

Ancestral, alchemical, as fascinating as it was condemned over the centuries, it is linked to the phases of a Woman's life from birth to death, marking them as seasons during her existence - the key to creation par excellence.

Not surprisingly, the comparison with the Moon is spontaneous: a complete lunar cycle lasts ~ 29.5 days while the menstrual cycle on average lasts 28-29 days (ranging from 21 to 35 days).

The pale satellite also controls the tides, the agricultural cycles - according to popular tradition, the plants should be harvested during the full moon phase, as the gravity of the celestial body would influence the content of active principles of the plant itself; it goes without saying what effects it can have on our bodily fluids such as blood.

Our ancestors, following the natural cycles and turning their eyes to the sky, immediately made the association: not surprisingly, many civilizations still use the lunar calendar, think of the Chinese New Year or the Muslim Ramadan - to name just a couple. Naturally, the movements of the Sun and the Moon were used to mark the time in a historical moment in which there were no clocks and daily life was mainly based on Nature and in harmony with it.

It is no wonder that the menstrual cycle was also marked by celestial movements.

But what does science say nowadays? Are menstrual cycles and moon phases really related?

If we talk about what is considered modern science, Charles Darwin was one of the first to notice the similar duration between the menarche and the lunar cycle and several studies have been conducted since then.

In the 1950s, Dr Eugen Jonas noted that a considerable number of people became pregnant outside of ovulation, theorising there were more fertile periods influenced by the various phases of the moon, rather than the menstrual cycle itself - but it was branded as a charlatan, thanks to his unorthodox beliefs related to astrology.

In 1977 a study confirmed that women who began their menstrual cycle on the new moon became pregnant much more easily.

In 1986 a famous study was conducted which showed that, out of 826 women, almost 30% menstruated in conjunction with the New Moon, a study later confirmed in 1987.

In more recent times, however, different results were found:

In 2013, testing 74 people, no synchrony was noted in this regard.

While in 2021, it was hypothesized that the menstrual cycle could be synchronized with the lunar cycle in the past but the lack of synchrony with the natural world, artificial light and the phase shift of circadian rhythms may have altered this process.

** Read here how to tune into the rhythms of Nature **

So, in essence, modern science does not find any connection between one phenomenon and another - even though there are events altered by the phases of the moon (for example, the quality of sleep) that are well documented. But as often happens, when it comes to elements related to femininity and its mysteries, there are not enough studies and funding to investigate them.

If we wanted to approach this phenomenon from a holistic point of view, instead, what can we deduce from it?

In ancient civilizations, before the patriarchy imposed itself with its overwhelming influence, the menarche was considered a period of power, beauty, new life, and purification: a real rite marking the passage of time and symbolizing a rebirth - literally, since it is the uterus we talking about.

Traditionally, menstruation should align with the New Moon - the ideal time to renew our intention and rest, or the Full Moon, as described by Miranda Gray in her book "Red Moon"; let's see them together:

  • White Moon Cycle: If you follow this cycle, your body will menstruate during the New Moon; thus being at the peak of fertility during the Full Moon. This is the most “traditional” cycle if we can say so, as it would align with the natural rhythms of the Earth (precisely see the peasant traditions we mentioned earlier).
  • Red Moon Cycle: If you follow this cycle, it means that your body will menstruate during the Full Moon and reach maximum fertility during the New Moon. Despite the apparent countertrend compared to the "canonical cycle", it was seen as the cycle of priestesses and shamans - as their creative energy was propelled outwards rather than inwards.

What happens if our cycle doesn't follow these phases? Are there any right or wrong phases?

Absolutely not: as in all laws of the Cosmos, there is no concept of right or wrong. Some people have irregular periods and can deviate from the usual phase even for the most regular of us; take me as an example: since I had it for the first time at 10, I had it regularly every 28 days - almost breaking the second. But it can happen, of course, over the years to get out of phase because of stress, travel, disease ... While before I was aligned with the White Moon Cycle, in the last few months I tend to have my moons during the Waning Moon.

What can it mean?

For each of us it has different meanings, think about the properties of the phases of the moon - the very same properties you would use for a magical work. For example, taking the Waning Moon, it can indicate a time when we need to get rid of what we no longer need. There are no coincidences, if your body aligns itself in such a magical, raw and vulnerable moment to a specific alignment, believe me that nothing is left to chance.

What I can recommend is to take note of your menstrual phases - in addition to the traditional calendar notes, there are a myriad of apps that can help you with this (I, for example, have been using Flo for several years now). Write down the phase of the moon you are in, take time to rest, meditate, journal, take care of yourself.


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