Today we will have a New Moon under the sign of Leo at 13:49 CET.
Not only is Sunday, a day linked to the Sun - the ruling planet of Leo, but it is also a very special date: the 8th of August is the so-called Lion's Gate, which will further amplify the energies of this lunation, the Sun will be aligned with Sirius, the brightest star in the firmament generating a powerful energy flow.
You can read more about the Lion's Gate here.
So what to expect from this lunar phase so full of leonine energy?
Despite the solar vibrations, it will not be an easy moon phase.
The Moon is currently in a square with the rebellious Uranus, the planet that regulates revolution and dramatic changes - currently in Taurus, one of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac; while Saturn Retrograde is in Aquarius - in opposition to Leo. The Saturn-Uranus square was a very difficult aspect: It is exactly the things against which we have the greatest resistance (Saturn) that can lead to our greatest discoveries (Uranus).
These two planets urge us to change, even if we don't really feel ready to do so.
In fact, the main theme of this particular New Moon will not be full of optimism and creativity as one might expect from the charismatic sign of Fire, but it will be inclined to make us realise how much we are worth, create our spaces and embrace change to open heart.
We must trust the Universe and the changes it confronts us with, so that we can evolve as people.
It is time to open our hearts and be honest with ourselves.
Dive into your true feelings, do not let the ego speak but your inner child: this is the time to let go of what you really don't need in this life and dedicate ourselves to what we truly love.
Ask yourself why you are unable to accomplish your goals or why you always find excuses not to do something. Normally, behind the wall of excuses created by our conscious brain, there is fear of change towards something that we truly desire deep in our hearts but are too afraid to obtain.
This is what Leo teaches us: follow your heart, be brave and take what you deserve! The key question you must ask yourself is: how do you want to shine in this 2021? Take advantage of this incredible energy change to strip yourself of your social constructs, reconnect with your innermost dreams, be courageous and trust the plan that the Universe has for you but above all trust yourself, even if often the change can seem scary, chaotic and fraught with tension.
I leave you below a mantra (if we can call it that) dedicated to the Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, which best represents the energy of this moon phase: Sekhmet "She who is Powerful" is the Goddess of Justice and Courage.
Sa Sekhem Sahu
SA = Breath of Life, our life force that we receive at the moment of birth.
SEKHEM = Vital Power, similar to the concept of Kundalini.
SAU = Our spiritual body, which is only made conscious during practice.
Be kind and have faith in your abilities, we are often stronger than we think and the brave Leo is here to teach us that.
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