Zeitgeist ‹tsaɪt.É¡aɪst›, noun [ S ] German [Comp. of Zeit "time" and Geist "spirit"]. - Expression coined in the context of German romantic-idealistic philosophy between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and translated into English "spirit of the age", which is used to indicate the ideal, cultural, spiritual climate that is considered characteristic of an era.
This post will not be poetic and embellished with refined words, it will be naked and raw.
This tumultuous period we are experiencing and this recent lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, coinciding with a sun in Gemini, are throwing petrol on my feisty Aquarian nature.
The stars had already predicted it, this will not be a simple year.
And they will not be the only astrological aspects to consider: we have just passed the full moon, the Solstice is approaching and also June will be dotted with six retrograde planets.
We are already seeing the fruits of Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, which are uncovering Pandora's box: we are questioning our personal values, our way of communicating, the society in which we live and its laws. The well-loved Mercury in Cancer (bringing hidden wounds to the surface) and Neptune in Pisces will also join the party (showing us the naked and raw reality, stripping it of the veil of illusion). Sound familiar?
I'm not going to look into it more in depth, because there would be a lot to discuss and there are already numerous articles about it - written by people who are much more competent in this regard. I conclude by saying that the sky is favourable to us, in a historical moment like this.
Those who practice esotericism and walk its path know that nothing is random: everything happens for a specific reason, in the great divine plan. But I also firmly believe in free will and that we can be the architects of our fate: the astrological picture is propitious, but revolutions cannot happen without the spark that makes them explode in wildfires.
And this is where I appeal to you, because believe it or not witchcraft is also political.
But it is not a question of choosing between right or left, it is a question of following the centuries-old path of the oppressed and persecuted and defending their rights.
Some of you have said that we are not our ancestors, if we live in a racist world it is not our fault. When we decide to call ourselves witches, we take responsibility for accepting the weight of our ancestors, for better or for worse. It is up to us to remedy the mistakes of our people.
Because we may not be racist ourselves, personally, but the society in which we live is: a system based on the blood of oppressed peoples and stolen lands. And if we do nothing to change it, we are accomplices of those who commit injustices every day - because silence is as serious as violence. Remember there is a substantial difference between not being racist and being anti-racist.
Nobody is born a racist, we become racist thanks to an obsolete Eurocentric vision.
It all goes back to the disconnection we have with our planet, there is no respect for life - this disconnection is the same that pushed us to oppress other peoples, destroy entire ecosystems and put life itself in chains.
So what can we do?

Activism has many forms, including magic, since the dawn of time: from court wizards to the witches of the New Forest, who made a banishing spell on the Nazis during the Second World War. Certainly other factors have played their part including the extraordinary stubbornness of the English people and the determination of the Royal Air Force, see it as you wish but Hitler never set foot in the United Kingdom.
We are going through an asphyxiating period, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the heaviness of the energies in circulation: too much suffering, anger and death (I also remind you of the recent pandemic, still ongoing). For those who are particularly empathetic, it can be very difficult to fight physically or on the esoteric plane.
But don't worry, there are many other things that can be done to contribute: spread information, donate your time or your money if you can and especially we can use this time to educate others and ourselves.
They are all useful and necessary aspects, rivers that flow into the same sea; one does not exclude the other and are equally important.
We leave here underneath one of the many links where you can find out how to help:
Do not underestimate your power: secular empires have fallen because someone has had enough of them one day. The colossus of the Third Reich did not expect to have to fight a fierce resistance from people who were fed up, in addition to the enemy army.
Humanity is capable of terrible things, we know it well, but also of extraordinary achievements.
But Rome did not fall in one day, for this reason I want this awareness to go far beyond the hashtag on Instagram. Don't forget this fight, once the waters calm down; unfortunately we tend to have short memories: we were all feminists at the time of the #metoo, we all demonstrated during the pride month, we all became environmentalists when we talked about climate change, we all praised the beauty of nature and human solidarity during the covid . Now who's talking about these? Have we forgotten already? Yet everything is still there, nothing has disappeared.
The key word is resilience.
We must insist until a society is created that guarantees full rights to all its citizens, regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity and physical characteristics, where NO ONE is disadvantaged and where diversity is celebrated as enrichment, not seen as a reason for shame.
It is up to us to change these world views as witches and humans.
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