Today the Moon becomes full under the sign of Scorpio.
With the residual energies of Beltane, we can say that this full moon will be one of the most powerful lunations of the year.
What will be released in these days is a real energy of transformation, a global metamorphosis also catalyzed by the sun joined to Uranus in Taurus.
A real emotional tsunami is coming and the earthly taurine energies of this period will provide the basis to hold on with all our strength so as not to get overwhelmed. Like old trees, we must grow our roots in the deepest depths of the ground (in this case, exploring our unconscious) to ensure that the rest of our being remains intact in the storm.
The sign of Scorpio is combined with death, meaning a profound transformation, it is necessary to let something die in order to be reborn as something new and better.
Like never before is clear to everyone what humanity caused to planet earth, having literally stopped humanity for a few weeks immediately gave tangible results in the nature that surrounds us, the same nature that, now that we are all closed in our home, we miss so much.
Saturn, the strict father who teaches us the lessons of life with his bad manners, in now in Aquarius, it is important now to treasure what we have experienced and accept the change, both of our lifestyle and of our approach to the world whole. Each of us can take small steps to become better, analyzing our shadows and accepting our demons.
With these powerful expanding energies circulating we could feel more sensitive more emotional than usual, even a little moody with strong mood swings. This sky illuminated by a sun in Taurus (Light and rebirth) and a Moon in Scorpio (Shadow and death) shows us that it is necessary to embrace both our sides, the bright and the dark one, to continue with the journey, as the one could not exist without the other. What we see now is not our final form.

The deities that best represent this lunation are the Assyrian God Tammuz (Dumuzi for the Sumerians), whose cult spread throughout the Mediterranean taking the name of Adonis and the Goddess Ishtar (Inanna or Astarte), of which he is the lover .
God of harvest and vegetation. Tammuz is killed by a wild boar, Ishtar, devastated by his death, descends to the underworld by his sister Ereshkigal, who forces her to an initiatory journey in which Ishtar strips off all her possessions, remaining completely vulnerable to her presence. Ereshkigal imprisons Ishtar, who is later freed by the gods Sin, Shamash and Ea through a spell. Ishtar takes back her possessions and his lover Tammuz, whose return to earth brings fertility, rebirth and abundance back to the world.
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