This Friday the moon becomes new, joining the sun, under the sign of Gemini.
We should visualize this lunation as a seed that has been planted, but we have to set our intentions to make it grow, caring for it and dedicating the energy and attention it needs.
The latter period will be useful to many of us as a "reality check" for each sector of our life, from work, to love, to family, to friends. We have the opportunity to see clearly what we are heading for, what we want to become, so it’s time to make important decisions.
This is not the time to escape from problems or pretend not to see them, let’s make some adjustments in our lives, taking advantage of the energy of this new moon. Do not be afraid to let go what does not make you move forward, whether it is a person, a career or a mental status.
This sky gives us a sudden injection of hard and cold reality, you may experience moments of anxiety and depression, it may seem as if something essential is missing from your life: Good! Do not ignore all this, use this feeling of unease to leverage yourself, pushing yourself to change, without ever forgetting that the whole universe is on your side.

Mercury and Venus are also in conjunction in Gemini, this will help us understand who we really are, what we really want and how to use our innate wisdom to get it.
The deity that best represents this lunation is the Assyrian-Babylonian God Nabu.
Patron of scribes, often identified with the God Mercury, his symbols are the dragon and the snake, his name means "enlightened". Represents the divinity of wisdom, knowledge and intelligence, he is the one who, during the assemblies presided over by his father Marduk, transcribed the fate of the Gods.
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