domenica 28 agosto 2022

27th August, New Moon in Virgo: Plan your Future.


*Per leggere questo articolo in Italiano clicca qui.*

On August 27th, we just had a New Moon in Virgo.

As each New Moon, it marks the beginning of a new cycle, wanting to remind us more than ever that we can shape our destiny. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is the sign of the virgin, an energy that invites us to heal and heal ourselves, grow and recognise the value of our intuition: the choices we make every day, define us as people and of which we are fully responsible, the future is in our hands.

So, we have to ask ourselves: what do we want to focus on? How can we achieve this?

Trivial questions at first glance, but they can propel us towards the future we hope for - benefiting from this propitious moon phase and the extraordinary analytical influence of Virgo.

Virgo also teaches us that we can offer something beautiful to the world; by finding our place as healers we can contribute to a more evolved society. We are more inclined to help our loved ones, but be careful not to lose sight of your boundaries, keep them well anchored to the ground!

Be also careful not to fall into the trap of the most ferocious self-analysis, the aspects already oriented to the meticulous precision of this sign will be further amplified by the quadrature with Mars, just entered Gemini in retrograde motion where it will stay there for seven long months.

In this aspect, Mars teaches us to explore infinite possibilities and talents with dynamism, while also bringing with it indecision and ambiguity that can couple badly with Virgo's attention to detail - running the risk of becoming obsession and an incapacitating sense of self-criticism.

Instead of being carried away by the mercurial currents of these two signs into the unknown and finding ourselves overloaded with information (Mars in Gemini) and stress (Moon and Sun in Virgo), try to remain firmly anchored to the ground and channel the propitious energies of the sky in a way to build the foundations of our future projects.


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