lunedì 17 gennaio 2022

January 17th, Full Moon in Cancer: Step into your power


*Clicca qui per leggere l’articolo in Italiano*

Today we will have a Full Moon under the sign of Cancer.

Our satellite is therefore in its domicile, in its element which is water, in this way we will be able to feel its influence at maximum power.

The Moon in Cancer is a maternal moon, it’s sensitive and romantic, full of dreams and emotions, we will feel much more inclined to look after the needs of others, more receptive to the vibrations of subtle energies and more connected with the universe.

At the same time it is possible that some of our old wounds will be felt more, we will be more in need of affection and we will perceive feelings with greater intensity.

Pay attention to the dreams you’re having in these days as the dream world will be particularly stimulated by the energies in circulation, it’s just like as if the veil is thinner, also thanks to the trine that Neptune in Pisces forms with the Moon; our visions will be much sharper and we will remember them vividly.

Keep in mind that, usually, if some details of a dream remain etched in our minds, it means that the universe wants us to remember them well and that we analyze them as omens.

Another important aspect that we must take into consideration is the opposition that the Moon forms with Pluto; the full moon is considered the ideal time to let go of what conditions us, the influence of Pluto amplifies this feeling making us feel more under pressure and therefore eager to regain control of our lives, claiming our power and thus freeing ourselves from the burdens that we oppress and prevent us from moving forward with our goals.

Be careful not to be too influenced by the actions and judgment of others, which this emotional lunation could lead us to do.

In this period we have two very important retrograde planets to influence us: Mercury and Venus.

The first one makes us reflect on the importance of communication with others and the second one on our interpersonal relationships, be careful not to get too caught up in the emotions of these days and fall into love melodramas: try to keep the focus on what is important to you and for your evolution.

The transits of these days help us to connect more with our intuition and our higher self, it is an excellent time to do longer and more demanding meditations and practice divination in all its forms. Being the first full moon of the year, it would be a good time to get a reading of oracles on the progress of the whole year.

Happy Full Moon!


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