Today, at 11.39 pm, the Moon becomes full under the sign of Capricorn. Within this lunation there will also be a partial lunar eclipse, which will reach its peak around 11:30 pm.
The Moon in Capricorn accompanies us in the depths of our soul and forces us to face our fears, to come to terms with what we constantly try to control and hide from ourselves. To amplify this influence there is also the conjunction between Moon and Pluto; let us consider this lunation as a journey of our soul into Hades, in the place where we hide the emotions from which we tend to escape.
Furthermore, the energy of the eclipse brings to light our mistakes, our fears and our shadows from the past, it is easy that in these days you will feel a strong melancholy, unpleasant memories will come back to your mind and you will feel your vulnerability more, this it happens because all this comes back to the surface to finally be exposed and digested, we are ready for this transformation.
This lunation takes place in the sign of the saturnine Capricorn, who has nothing maternal, warm and enveloping, but that drives us to self-sufficiency and to learn from our mistakes. At this time, therefore, we have the opportunity to evolve and grow by accepting our most hidden emotions, to help us in this process there is the Sun in Cancer that invites us to open our hearts to our own dark side, understanding and accepting our limitations. This also allows us to resolve issues we have been pending for a long time and finally let them go.

These days we have the chance to see the intentions we sowed in the last lunation manifested.
The divinity that best represents this lunation is precisely the God Saturn, a Greek-Roman divinity of agriculture and justice.
Saturn was anciently represented as an old man with a long beard, sometimes with wings. Saturn traditionally holds in his hand the hourglass and the scythe: the first, in the right hand, measures time, and the second, in the left hand, which inexorably cuts it, so that in ancient times its figure was assimilated to the figure of Death from the scythe in his hand, as Saturn is the planet of karma and reaps the fruits of the actions we perform.
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