Tonight, at 11.11pm, the moon becomes full under the sign of Scorpio.
This lunation, combined with the Sun under the sign of Taurus, allows us to see clearly our stability, which could be based on love for ourselves, on understanding our true worth or on the resources we have always had but which we have never noticed. We need to go deeper and analyze the details of our existence, while keeping an eye on the big picture. Reflect on the last period and celebrate your growth!
The work with the abundance that we started with the last new moon in Taurus will culminate tonight, showing us the results in all their glory.
Abundance is everywhere, We need to know how to welcome it and it will flow to us in an unlimited way!

The sign of Scorpio dominates the emotional and unconscious side, the energy of the full moon is useful to take a moment and meditate on our emotions, find a focal point around which to rotate everything and untie all the knots, those blocks that very often don’t allow us to solve even the most trivial problems.
A perfect symbol to represent this lunation would be "The Death" of the Tarots: Scorpio is linked to Pluto, god of the underworld and therefore of the cycle of death and rebirth, of transformation. We therefore allow what was sown and blessed by the Gods during the Imbolc festival to sprout and grow with a new splendor.
The deity that best represents this lunation is Osiris, the Egyptian god of vegetation and the dead.
Osiris taught humans the secrets of cultivation, but he was the victim of Seth's envy. Killed and torn to pieces, he was thrown into the waters of the Nile. Isis, his wife, in despair, found her husband's limbs and with the magic made him rise again, making him become the ruler of the underworld. He represented for his followers hope in an eternal and happy life, in a new world.
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