sabato 11 agosto 2018

11th of August, New Moon in Leo

Today the Moon becomes new under the sign of Leo.
With the passed powerful lunar eclipse, we began to free ourselves of what we no longer needed, of illusions and dreams that no longer belong to our being; this lunation concludes this liberating period, completely cleansing our energies.

This lunation, combined with the sun in the same sign, grants us to sow something new, so go ahead to the new beginnings and experiences that we thought we would never have had the courage to do!

Leo urges us to investigate deep within ourselves in order to reveal our personality to the world, whether you consider yourself creative people in the strict sense of the term, now new creative projects are favored and allow us to express our hidden sides and our light in a unique way.

The Goddess who best represents this lunation is Cybele.

Creatress goddess who gave birth to the whole universe, virgin inviolate and yet mother of the gods.

The great Anatolian goddess was manifested in the hard substance of the rock and was thought to have fallen from the sky in the form of a black stone.

Cybele was the great mother of all living beings, a fertile goddess, a lady of wild animals and of wild nature, she crossed the mountain forests on a chariot drawn by lions, accompanied by an orgiastic procession.

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