The Moon tonight is under the sign of Aquarius, and the maximum eclipse point can be seen in Italy at 10:22 pm, even if the first contact with the Earth's shadow will start at 7:14 pm.
This lunation will make us feel restless and it will be harder for us to submit to the rules, at the same time, we will feel a strong need to express ourselves.
In this period, we have 5 planets in retrograde motion, whose effects can be amplified by the influence of the eclipse:
Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto and Mercury.

This Moon in Aquarius, dominated by Uranus in Taurus, will give a definitive shock to all those who are stalled, we will finally have clear ideas about our future and the possibilities of evolution.
Our power of expression will reach its maximum, do not be afraid to show yourself to the world.
The Goddess who best represents this lunation is the Hindu Goddess Aditi.
She’s the Goddess of the infinite sky, her name literally means "without limits".
Aditi is the 'Mother Goddess', considered “mother” for her creative nature and her terrestrial symbol is the infinite and boundless space.
It represents the spark that triggers creation.
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