First of all, which candle do we choose?
Why? These materials, as well as being environmentally friendly and respectful towards Mother Earth, have their own energy and high vibrations. The bee has always been considered a sacred animal linked to the sun, and the plants, (producing the other types of wax) feed on sunlight to survive.
In addition, by producing our candles, we have the opportunity to decide the colour, add the most suitable fragrance for the purpose of our ritual, add herbs and spices to the mixture, and last but not least, we can infuse our energy at all stages of production. In this way the candle is no longer an accessory to be used during a ritual, but a real tool that can channel the energy in the right direction.
However, it is not always possible to make our own candles, as the process requires time and effort; in this case we can buy vegetable candles.
If we do, since no one knows which kind of energies got into contact with the candles we buy, it is advisable to purify them through the use of oils and incense.
The candles can be in different colours, each one of them radiates a certain type of vibration that will influence the channeling of energy in our ritual, therefore we must accurately choose it.

The Greeks instead associated the colours to the four elements (air, fire, water and earth) and the latter to the four "humours" or body fluids (blood, red, bile, yellow, phlegm, white, and black, bile), generated by the four main organs (spleen, heart, liver and brain). The balance of all these elements corresponded to health, the imbalance corresponded to the disease, and the disease was cured also using the corresponding colours.
In India, the Ayurvedic tradition always associated the colours to our subtle energy centres: the chakras. The colours were used both to treat diseases and for spiritual motivation.
Let's see then how the colours of the candles, and their vibrations affect our spirit and our mind:
The most evocative one, contrary to what a person not accustomed to magic might think, Black has no negative or evil connotation.
The black candle is, in fact, recommended for all types of ritual because Black absorbs all the negative vibrations; it is a protective colour, which acts as a screen and sends the harmful energies back to the sender. It is a colour that hides, so it can be used to discover hidden things. Black contains all the colours of the spectrum, it absorbs them, making it in this way the most powerful colour and, at the same time, the most versatile one. In the rituals of destruction, it gives a slow strain rather than a fast attack. It can be used to bring discord and confusion to the enemy.
It is the colour linked to Saturn, so it is advisable to use it on Saturday, the day dedicated this God, otherwise during the waning moon phase.
Black is also the alchemical Nigredo, the philosopher's stone that can transform matter, so it is a great colour for new beginnings. It is also suited for communication with the world of spirits and entities.
Element: Earth.
Sign: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Chakra: Muladhara, Root Chakra.
Day of the week: Saturday.
White is usually associated with purity and goodness, in fact it is the colour of the clothes of the priestesses and virgin brides, but it is also associated with death in many cultures.
It represents the alchemical Albedo, the next step after the Nigredo in the Great Work: the stage where the formless black mass is cleansed, washing away the impurities. In chemistry it can be compared to distillation, and, spiritually speaking, it is a metaphor for the purified soul getting rid of its worldly shell.
White is a mixture of all colours of the spectrum and reflects them so hence it reflects all their energy, expanding it. It can be used as a colour to amplifiy the energy that we use.
Element: Ether.
Star Sign: Aquarius.
Planet: Moon.
Chakra: Ajna, sixth chakra, the Third Eye.
Day of the week: Monday.
Red is the colour of blood, the first colour ever used by manhood in paintings: it was sprinkled on the face of the deads, as if to give them back a healthy and vital complexion, it was also used as war paint .
It is an ambivalent colour, recalling life,flames, associated with many gods, but also it is the coulour of blood, war and death.
According to Christian tradition, Red has an evil connotation, associated with the Goddess Lilith, the "whore of Babylon" (in fact we still think that Red is the colour of prostitutes and seduction) and the devil. Animals with red fur like foxes or women with red hair were considered malignant.
In alchemy Red is the "Rubedo", the last stage of the Great Work. If the Nigredo represents the putrefaction and the Albedo the distillation, Rubedo represents the sublimation of matter through the spirit. It is considered the intermediate colour between black and white, so it represents the union of the opposites.
In magic, Red is the colour of love and passion, perhaps because of its classical conception linked to eros.
It is undoubtedly a colour that leads to amplifie and expand our energy, acting on impulse and strength, it can then be used to enhance our rituals.
In ritual magic, depending on the shade of the red chosen, it will be possible to attribute a particular power: a bright and vivid red is linked to carnality, strength, vigour, blood, passion and seduction; while dark red is used mainly for black magic rituals to exert a stronger and fast effect.
Element: Fire.
Star Sign: Light - Aries, Dark - Scorpio.
Planet: Mars.
Chakra: Muladhara, Root Chakra.
Day of the week: Tuesday.
Blue is a colour always used in magic, due to its high spiritual potential. It is the exact opposite of Red (masculine): Blue is the representation of the sacred femminine, water, energy that is absorbed from the outside inwards and retained.
It promotes communication, healing, peace. Its energy stimulates the activity of the spirit, creativity, inspiration, calmness and patience, it is the colour of the infinite clear sky and of the vast depths of the ocean. It is used in many divine representations, like the colour of Krishna's skin or coat of the Odin.
Assyrian-Babylonian amulets were often forged with lapis lazuli, as this blue stone attracts and deflects the negative energies from the wearer, absording them within.
Similarly, in magic, it can be used to attract energies that we want to obtain, as luck or love, or to cancel the effects of the evil eye and diseases.
Blue candles are used in rituals to ward off all forms of evil, to invoke good fortune and to cure diseases.
Element: Water.
Star Sign: Pisces.
Planet: Jupiter.
Chakra: Vishuddah, the fifth chakra.
Day of the week: Thursday.
The colour Yellow governs everything associated with our mind: it helps improving concentration, study, communication, creativity and all activities related to the left hemisphere of the brain. It is a colour that has always been associated with the sun and consequentially to the sacred masculine, a symbol of enlightenment and knowledge.
Its vibrations can amplify our ability to do astral travel (combined with Purple). In black magic rituals,Yellow stands for sickness, infidelity, lack of consistency and folly.
This colour works on the Throat Chakra and the Solar Chakra, respectively, for work on knowledge or willpower. It is the colour of sulfur and therefore it is related to the god Mercury.
In alchemy, it represents the phase of Citrinas, the stage of healing and consolidation; the combustion becoming incandescence, and then the transformation of matter.
Using a golden candle, we are going to amplify some sides linked to the divine as seen with the colour Yellow, Gold is a suitable colour for communication with the Gods.
Element: Air.
Star Sign: Gemini.
Planet: Mercury.
Chakra: Manipura, the third chakra.
Day of week: Wednesday.
Purple is a very powerful colour, it reflects the mystique and pure essence of magic. It is used to amplify our psychic abilities, our wisdom, meditations, to get in touch with the spirit world and our higher self.
It is a colour that draws energy from our Third Eye, the sixth chakra. All the activities linked with the colour Purple are more likely to be successful if carried out during the full moon.
Chromatically talking, Purple comes from the blending of Blue (femminine and attraction) and Red (masculine, power), in alchemy it represents the union of opposites, the androgynous.
In black magic, Purple causes abuse, extreme power, tyranny, sadness and treachery.
Element: Fire.
Star Sign: Sagittarius.
Planet: Moon - Jupiter.
Chakra: Ajna, the sixth chakra, the Third Eye.
Day of the week: Monday - Thursday
The Green colour is formed by the union between Yellow (sun, gold) and Blue (attraction), so it is suitable to use in all those rituals for luck and prosperity. It is also the colour of vegetation; along with Brown, it is used for green magic and to communicate with the spirits of nature. Plants become green, sprouting after the apparent death of winter; in some alchemical texts, this step is called "Viriditas" and follows the "Nigredo". It symbolizes rebirth, sprout.
Green is used in spells for growth, healing, attraction and success. While Red affects the "passionate" side of the amorous sphere, Green influences the “practical” side of the relationship, loyalty, balance.
It is used in black magic to cause illness, greed and jealousy.
It is the colour that rules the Heart Chakra and all the healing energies; it is linked to the planet Venus, so it is recommended to use it on Friday.
Element: Earth.
Sign: Taurus.
Planet: Venus.
Chakra: Anahata, the fourth chakra, the heart chakra.
Day of the week: Friday.
Orange is a colour formed by Yellow (mind) and Red (spirit), so this colour is suited for spiritual communication, its vibration makes concrete our messages and emotions. Orange helps our creativity to take shape and become matter, it translates our inspirations into tangible products and it does the same with our feelings. It is the right colour to use in creative processes and to enhance our sexuality.
It gives us enthusiasm, zest for life and vital energy; it attracts luck by giving us a way to put into action our will. It can also be used to derive lust and sexual pleasure in other people.
Element: Fire.
Sign: Leo.
Planet: Sun.
Chakra: Svadhisthana, the second chakra.
Day of the week: Sunday.
It is the colour that represents the earth, so the physical body, everything that is related to the worldly plan.
It is obtained by blending Red, Yellow and Blue; thus it contains within itself the mind, body and spirit: our whole being.
Brown is perfect to communicate with the spirits of the earth and the forest (along with Green), to work with nature and to seek magically stability and solidity; suitable for those who want to get their feet on the ground.
Binding us closer to our physical body and our grounded side, however, we are going to feed less our spiritual side; it is advisable to use this colour only in certain situation and match it to other colours to counter balance. It can be used in black magic to cause sadness. At the same time, it neutralizes malicious forces and it is linked to material goods.
Element: Earth.
Star Sign: Virgo.
Planet: Mercury.
Chakra: Chakra of the Feet.
Day of week: Wednesday.
It is a difficult colour to use as it has the same characteristics of White and Black, containing them both. It represents the union of opposites: visible and invisible, matter and spirit, light and shadow; it is the colour of the spirits who are between life and death.
It has changing vibrations, for this reason it is unstable to use. It is used in black magic to instill chaos and disorder in the target.
If we want to use the positive sides of Gray, it is advisable to use silver candles. Silver has the same features of Gray, but it shines in the darkness, so it can help to overcome challenges, illness, indecision and to get what we want.
It is like a mirror, so it reflects what we really are and forces us to face us; it does the same with the other colours, doubling their power, and it reflects malevolent energies to the sender.
Element: Water.
Star Sign: Cancer.
Planet: Moon.
Chakra: Visuddah, the fifth chakra.
Day of the week: Monday.
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