mercoledì 29 giugno 2022

29th June, New Moon in Cancer: The Matriarch.


*Per leggere questo articolo in Italiano clicca qui.*

Today we have a new Moon under the sign of Cancer, its natural domicile, so we will perceive harmonious energies that will benefit us if we know how to make the most of them.

The influences of this new moon will make us feel more sensitive and emotional than normal, so let's take advantage of this amplified energy to tune into the vibrations of this cosmic event and thus allow us to fully understand how we want to feel and what we really want to sense.

Like all new moons, this is the most powerful time to set our intentions for the next month and manifest what we desire; the theme of this new moon is emotions, it is therefore appropriate to focus on our inner world: do visualisation exercises about what you are perceiving right now and try to give a name to your needs.

The sign of Cancer brings us very nourishing and caring vibes, I would dare to say maternal, which will therefore take care of our desires as a sort of cosmic embrace from the universe.

The Moon and the Sun in Cancer form a square aspect with Jupiter in Aries, which might generate some tension and, if we put it in correlation with the theme of this lunation, this implies that once we have identified our needs, we will be afraid to ask for them, as if we demanded too much or did not consider ourselves worthy.

It is precisely on this that we must work, learning to ask for what is right for us, relying on those who can truly give us support.

This lunation also speaks to us a lot about the sacred feminine, we have a very active Water element in this sky with Moon and Sun in Cancer, joined to Lilith but also Neptune who has just started its retrograde motion in Pisces, sending us strong reminiscences of a stormy sea rippled by the waves.

It is no coincidence that in this period there has been a return to talk about uterus and abortion, unfortunately with very sad and disconcerting news. This continuous attack and these attempts to control female power are yet another demonstration that patriarchy moves and operates through governments of rules and oppression - the result of a toxic masculinity, which for too long has denied the sacred feminine: so powerful as to be the door between one life and another.

The archetype of Cancer is precisely the Matriarch, and in this moment more than ever it is important to be in contact with one's sacred feminine (regardless of gender) to be complete, to ensure that a part of us is never again denied in favour of another - thus leading to dangerous imbalances, such as those we have witnessed in recent days.

Lilith will help us in just this: allowing us to recognise our authority, inducing us to free ourselves from the chains against the toxic masculinity, product of an Abrahamic patriarchy that has always tried to crush us in vain.

In solidarity with our American sisters.


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