The last full moon of March 21st was under the sign of Libra at 0º, this time instead, will be under the same sign but at 29º.
It immediately sticks out that this period represents the beginning and the end of something; if the last lunation indicated the conception of something new, this one is equivalent to the last labors before the birth.
The most important thing we need to focus on is: what is coming to light?
The last moon in Libra brought indecision and slowness, along with a retrograde mercury in Pisces that still makes us suffer its shadow, and made this last period not easy to deal with, many of us would have had the feeling of trudging with our own life, to make great effort to obtain what is normally easy.
The good news is that soon the situation will improve, a last effort before reaching the goal and then we will finally be ready to accept this new gift of the universe.
To get out of this stagnant period we will probably need to face some discussion with loved ones, it is not pleasant but it is essential to overcome this momentary crisis; keep yourself as lucid as possible, express your feelings calmly and without drama, you will come out as winners.

Furthermore, this Libra lunation will increase our confidence in ourselves and gives us the desire to take situations in our hands, helped also by the last energies of the Sun in Aries; just reflect on all the things you have accomplished in the last period: if there is a possibility of growth and improvement do not hesitate!
The divinity that best represents this lunation is Mitra, divinity of Hinduism and Persian religion.
In the Zoroastrian religion, Mitra is the greatest of the beings created by Ahura Mazdā, with the aim of helping him to administer the world. He is the god of air and light, an enemy of the spirits of evil and darkness, a god who rewarded good with prosperity and lush growth of vegetation. Furthermore, Mitra acted as a psychopomp deity, judging the souls and accompanying them to the underworld.
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